Number patterns

Question 5

The first term and the rule are given for each of the sequences. Find the second and third terms.

a Start with 3 (First term 3), multiply by 4 and subtract 5.
  check answer for question 5a second term.
  check answer for question 5a third term
b Start with 4 (First term 4), multiply by 3 and subtract 7.
  check answer for question 5b second term.
  check answer for question 5b third term.
c Start with 10 (First term 10), multiply by 6 and subtract 10. 
  check answer for question 5c second term.
  check answer for question 5c third term

Question 6

Here are 3 diagrams made of matches.

3 diagrams
Detailed description of diagram

a Write down a sequence of 6 numbers giving the number of matches in each of these diagrams and the next three in the obvious sequence.
b Give the rule for finding the next term from the previous term.

Detailed description of video